Since the last post, many things have happened. Of course yesterday we found the little Stinker to be breech and they had to turn the baby. They started the induction at 9 and we had a night of intermittent sleep as Hill's contractions were getting stronger. She was started on Pitocin and the waiting game began. She slowly began to dilate, but then she just kinda hung out at 3 cm for a while. Early this afternoon, they decided to repeat the ultrasound just to make sure that Amelia was still head down. Well, she wasn't - this time she was transverse. They stopped the Pitocin and repeated the version. They got her head down, engaged it in the cervix, and broke her water. Everything going well... The next check, at 5 cm dilation, there was little Amelia's hand on top of her head. She just wanted to wave and say hi. So now they have to keep checking and pushing it back in. On the last check, at about 8:50 pm, she was dilated to 6-7 cm. Slowly buy surely.
Can you believe this little girl? First the Cholestasis, then the induction. Amelia is going to get a good stern talking to as soon as she gets here. We love her so much. We will post to the blog and to facebook as soon as we can after she is born. And if it isn't too late, we will text as many people as we can. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We have received great care from our doctors and nurses. We trust that Heavenly Father will continue to watch over and protect us. Keep checking back!!! Now a few pictures.
No pictures of Amelia yet, so here are some more of Claire.
She's a natural jumper. As for that first picutre of Hill, it looks like every picture I have of her from any time we've been on a car,plane or train on any vacation we've ever taken as a family.
Hey your blog from Richins'! Hang in there Hillory!! What a ride, huh? Good luck. Thinking of you! Jaimee
It is true...Claire can fly, grandma is a witness. She has been an absolute perfect child...except when I left her at Nursery today, then she thought she'd been not only abbandoned by mom and dad, but Grandma too. It was just too much for one little girl to take.
The valuable information
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