Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hey guys! Long time no talk. We hope everyone is doing well. We just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas! I PROMISE good things to come on the blog in the very near future.

We have already been questioned as to why we have Mater the Tow truck and why he is not still at Disneyland.
These three girls are the best!

I am thinking of trying out for MegaMind 2 and Claire wants to be an Ogre on the next Shrek (if somehow they break their promise to stop at 4).


Al said...

Great job with the Christmas pics Nate. Hill gave me a little preview, and I'm super impressed. Those girls are adorable.

Rebecca said...

Call me if you are in Utah! I know you will be super busy with family but I would just love to see you!