Sunday, August 3, 2008

When Al Comes to town

Usually Nate is the blogger in our fam, but I'm taking over for this one. My sister Aly came to C'ville last week for a short visit, (too short in my opinion) and we had a blast! Now don't be too upset as the following pictures my provoke some strong emotion...

That's're looking at a 2008 Sebring Convertible. Al swears that it was either this or a Dodge sedan. I'm still a little suspicious. The best part is that since we had a long drive ahead of us (Raleigh, NC to be exact) I had to use a dish towel in place of a glamorous head scarf since I don't own the real deal.

Claire looks glamorous no matter what...binky or no binky, she's so stinkin' cute! She didn't last too long with the top down though, we had to pull over on the freeway and put the top back on before we had even hit Richmond! She's never been one to do well on road trips...ask anyone in the Dahle family.

We had a great time on our drive singing along to Newsies (I had goosebumps from a couple of our performances:) and Wicked. The trip was short and we were on our way back home before we knew it. As luck would have it, we passed a Smithfields on the way back. Sigh. I wish the follow-up visit would have been as magical as our first time there, but I'm sorry to say that that was not the case. I give you exhibit A:

I'm not sure you can see the fine detail of that hot dog (if it is, indeed, a hot dog), but it was disgusting. When the waitress delivered the food to our table, Al's exact words were, "I can't eat that." Seriously, the hot dog looked like it was a pickled slim jim on a bun! Terrible. I hope Al will still consider a revisit after this heinous incidence.

Luckily we had the ward Sock Hop to attend the next night which put Al in a much better mood:) She also let Nate and I slip out for a few hours alone together. You're the best Al.

The only real downer to our trip was the elimination of Will from So You Think You Can Dance. I think America has learned its lesson...

Anyway, we love you Aly and thanks again for coming to see us so often. We hate to put this in writing, but you're definitely high on Claire's favorites list -this doesn't mean that there isn't any hope for the rest of you, but you've got stiff competition. Until next time...


Al said...

I will have to agree with Hill that our musical performances were magical. I can also say that the picture does not do that "hot dog" justice. It was kind of flourescent pink color - we've never seen anything like it.

Amy said...

How fun! You guys are always doing fun things!

The NC Merrill's said...

Alright, I've somewhat silently been reading your blog for a while, but I'm ending my silence tonight! You were in RALEIGH, my backyard essentially! That does it! We need a visit from the Dahle family. Pronto! Get the bags packed! We will watch Claire and you can visit the Raleigh temple. Let us know when you will be here!
Monica (and Joe who is passed out upstairs)