It has been an interesting week here in Virginia. Dad is smack dab in the middle of a Staycation!!! And, "doo, doo, doo, doo, doooooo, I'm lovin' it." Every vacation over the past 3 years has involved some type of travel somewhere. Don't get me wrong - each of those vacations has been a wonderful time. It is just nice to be able to be at home, in my own bed, on my (and Hill's and Claire's) own time shedule - just relaxing. I have already been golfing and mountain biking and hope to do each again before the week is done. Just what I need before a busy 4 months starts (stay tuned for some announcements).
Claire is doing well. Very well. In fact, here are some brief updates.
1 - I started speaking to her in Italian again. The other morning she woke saying, "Ciao Winnie." We had recently received a Winnie the Pooh balloon. Another favorite is when she counts in Italian, she pronounces the number 4, which should be quattro, as "taco." It makes me laugh every time. My favorite is when she says "Ti amo." Most of the time she doesn't understand what I am saying, but I think she is learning.

Claire received this hat from Uncle Seth and Aunt Leeah. She loves to wear it and we finally had our camera out. Claire says diduch ("Thank you" in Claire's language)

Claire is always up for hugs and kisses. Everytime I ask she comes over and gives her daddy a hug, then a kiss, then an eskimo kiss, and then a butterfly kiss. We recently added the fish kiss.
The other day I was wearing my UTAH sweatshirt. She pointed to it and said, "Utah." I was so proud of her. She even points out the U and the T and the A. I immediately started working with her on "Utah Man."

Claire loves go to the lake to throw rocks. In fact she was recently voted "Most Improved Rock Thrower." She is hoping to compete in the "Best Overall" category later this year.

Claire is quite the singer and she loves her Disney songs. We have some CDs with a bunch of Disney songs and that is pretty much all we listen to in the car. I would like to both thank and curse Aunt Alyson for sending out those CDs. Claire just loves to listen to the music - Belle, Ariel,Jasmine, Rella. In fact she pretty much know all the words to "A whole new world." The problem is that so do I - and all the words to Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin, and Little Mermaid. I pretty much have those songs stuck in my head all day every day. It drives me crazy. Although I have grown to enjoy some of the songs.

Claire is the best little girl in the whole world. She brings us so much happiness and joy. She listens to mom and dad. She lets us brush and floss her teeth. She goes to bed and sleeps through the night. She goes to nursery. She just makes us smile and melts our hearts. She is going to be a great big sister.
She even lets dad go camping with his scouts. I think she is just about to the point that she might enjoy camping. Of course, now that Hill is pregnant and getting uncomfortable, that is going to have to wait. This last campout would not have been a good one for her. Of course the day we left was the day it rained. But we had a great time - and the river/falls looked great. I did get a few good pictures, but my photography novice really showed itself on this trip. I hope to get back to the falls before the river goes down.

Hill likes this one.

I was pretty happy with this one.

We had a great time on the campout - in spite of the rain. Til' next time.